PILLER wins SAP Innovation Award

Tuesday, 23. June 2020

PILLER wins SAP Innovation Award

After winning the SAP Quality Award 2019 in bronze, SAP now honored Piller Blowers & Compressors with the Innovation Award for the Business Transformation category. 

PILLER wins SAP Innovation Award

After winning the SAP Quality Award 2019 in bronze, SAP now honored Piller Blowers & Compressors with the Innovation Award for the Business Transformation category. The award pays tribute to PILLER as a company that drives innovation with SAP platform technologies.

With our realignment of service processes, which include the Internet of Things (IoT) in addition to classic maintenance models, we have successfully adapted our processes and business models to the digital age. 

Increased operational reliability

"In order to expand our position as technology leader and to satisfy customer requirements even better, we are continuously improving both our products and our services. This is what characterizes PILLER.", stated Christoph Böhnisch, Managing Director of PILLER, who is convinced of the added value offered by the digital solution. 

On customer request, we equip our high-performance blowers withinstrumentation which permanently records machine status data and pass it on to the SAP cloud platform in real time via IoT. This sensor data allows the detection of potential problems affecting the performance of the blowers. Our service team and technicians can thus act in time and plan necessary work, such as the replacement of individual components. For the machines which are critical to production,  all-round safe and reliable operation is possible.

"Even our digital developments are always focused on the end user's operation. We are very proud that SAP also recognizes our innovative strength and business transformation," explains Chief Information Officer Thomas Henzler.

Donation to charitable organization

PILLER donated the winnings from this competition to a regional, charitable and social organization. As globally operating family business, PILLER  commits itself to its headquarters location.

Learn more about PILLER