State MP Sebastian Penno visits PILLER

Monday, 08. May 2023

State MP Sebastian Penno visits PILLER

The SPD member of parliament of Lower Saxony Sebastian Penno visited Piller Blowers & Compressors GmbH in Moringen. Together with Lennert Hengst (also SPD), the youngest member of the Moringen city council, Sebastian Penno informed himself about the PILLER product portfolio and the currently most important topics at the global manufacturer of customer-specific high-performance blowers and compressors for the process industry.

State MP Sebastian Penno visits PILLER

The focus of the lively exchange with the two PILLER managing directors Christoph Böhnisch and Stephan Merkel was above all the innovative technology for heat recovery in industrial steam processes and the labor shortage that is also noticeable in the southern Lower Saxony region. Penno was particularly impressed by the already proven effects of the efficient machines from Moringen: In running installations, energy consumption is reduced by up to 75 percent, CO2 emissions are reduced by more than 60 percent and energy cost savings of up to 90 percent are achieved.

“Companies like PILLER show us how energy-saving and therefore future-oriented technologies can help to bring industry and climate protection together. Having such a company here in southern Lower Saxony shows that our region is actively shaping the future,” comments Sebastian Penno, member of the SPD state parliament.

PILLER is increasingly feeling the effects of the labor shortage, which the SPD parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament has identified as a major problem that needs to be solved. The group agreed that all actors in the region must work together to solve the problem: politicians, companies and society. The companies' own initiative to position themselves as attractive employers must go hand in hand with combined efforts to make the region as a whole attractive and to market it. One of society's main tasks is to help technical training occupations regain the status they deserve. "We offer secure jobs with a future across all qualification levels and professions," emphasizes Christoph Böhnisch. “Training is very important to us. We always train our trainees with the aim of taking them on permanently afterwards.”

Learn more about PILLER